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Intent Payment

Token Airdrop (ERC-20) Intent

Revolutionizing Token Airdrops

2024 starts well for crypto, with ‘Airdrop’ emerging as a key buzzword. Rapidly distributing ERC-20 tokens challenges us, calling for an advanced solution. Enter our Airdrop Intent: a sophisticated tool tailored to seamlessly distribute ERC-20 tokens. Equipped with ‘Simple Airdrop’ and ‘Multiple Token/Sum Airdrop’ modes, this Intent is perfect for executing token airdrops, remunerating service providers, and disbursing salaries, thereby becoming an invaluable asset for projects and entities.



 Key Takeaways

– Dual Modes: Offers both ‘Simple Airdrop’ and ‘Multiple Token/Sum Airdrop’ modes.

– Bulk Distribution: Ability to distribute tokens to up to 30 wallets in one go.

– One Atomic Transaction: Executes all transfers in a single atomic transaction for efficiency and security.

 The Future of Token Distribution: A Snapshot

Crypto airdrops, the free distribution of tokens by projects to attract users and boost their profile, have maintained their presence in 2024. As of March 7, 2024, airdrops.io, a popular tracking platform, lists over 56 confirmed airdrops with a combined estimated value exceeding $1.2 million. This represents a slight increase in the number of airdrops from the same period in 2023 (48 airdrops) but a significant jump in the total estimated value (approximately $750,000).

One noteworthy recent example is the Aptos Labs airdrop, which rewarded participants in their testnet with varying amounts of APT tokens based on their activity. This single airdrop gave out over $100,000 worth of tokens, highlighting the potential financial benefits for participants. Additionally, The ongoing MetaMask airdrop, still unconfirmed, is generating significant buzz within the crypto community, with some estimates suggesting a potential distribution value in the millions.


A selection of crypto coins

 How It Works: Simplifying Token Airdrops

 Select Airdrop Mode and Launch the Intent

Firstly, begin by choosing the appropriate airdrop mode—whether distributing uniform amounts via ‘Simple Airdrop’ or varying amounts through ‘Multiple Token/Sum Airdrop.’ Then, proceed to launch the Intent.

 Setup Your Distribution

Afterwards, Determine the number of recipients and select the source wallet from which the tokens will be distributed.

 Input Distribution Details

For ‘Simple Airdrop,’ specify the token and the amount to be sent to each recipient. For ‘Multiple Token/Sum Airdrop,’ input the varying amounts or tokens along with recipient addresses.

 Execute the Airdrop

Finally, After reviewing your configurations, initiate the airdrop process with a simple click on ‘Run Intent.’

 Security and Trust: Ensuring Peace of Mind

Our Intents design emphasizes user autonomy and security by providing detailed summaries for review before any transaction. By linking settings to the specific version used, we guarantee consistency and reliability against future updates, providing an extra layer of security.


Our Token Airdrop Intent redefines the approach to ERC-20 token distribution within the Ethereum community. By merging advanced distribution options with automated, strategic operations, it stands as a critical tool for anyone looking to conduct airdrops or mass payments efficiently and securely. Embrace our solution to enhance your distribution strategies, and step into the future of token airdrops with confidence and precision.

                                                                           Click here to open the DApp

Token Airdrop (ERC-20) Intent mockup


Can beginners use this Intent effectively?

Absolutely. Designed for ease of use, our Intent ensures that even newbies in the space can efficiently manage token distributions.

What sets this Intent apart from other distribution tools?

Its unique dual-mode feature, combined with the ability to execute all transfers in one atomic transaction, and easy-to-use UX sets it apart, offering unparalleled efficiency and security.

What are the primary advantages of using the Airdrop Intent?

The main benefits include streamlined bulk distribution, enhanced security through atomic transactions, and flexible distribution modes to suit various needs.

How was the Airdrop Intent developed?

This Intent was swiftly put together using our Intent Builder. It’s a straightforward, code-free tool for crafting Intents powered by the Smart Transaction Technology.

Ready to revolutionize your ERC-20 token distribution strategy? Explore our innovative Intent today and unlock the potential of efficient, secure airdrop
